18 de novembro de 2013

All that is going on

And that's you.
Lovely and caring and broken.
Your waters are far too deep
I'm am far too distant.
There are lights, blue highlights in your eyes so warming and tempting I can't breath sometimes.
You tight me up embracing but you keep a safe and respectful distance.
You say things that make me fly while, at the same time, you're holding me to the ground.
I swing and swing.

I see darkness in your eyes too.
The kind of clouds made not too long ago and the kind which are as old as yourself.
I'm not the hard one. You say you are afraid of hurting, but isn't the fear of being hurt even bigger?
You have no north, I give you that, you really don't.
Your mind seems like a hurricane. Your peace is long gone.
And I feel like a little girl trying to catch a bag floating on the air.

Although I'm not sure weather I am deeply in love, delusional or needy.
Eveything feels right when we touch, even if sometimes you are not there at all.
We laugh. We stay in silence. We share.

I know that's all you have to offer.
I am not even sure there will be something else whatsoever.
And that's ok. I'll probably, in some point, find something else somewhere else.
But for now... you are the one I am thinking while closing my eyes to sleep.

And that's all it is going on.

18 de maio de 2013

Sexo Ruim

Há sempre o outro, espelho de mim.
Há sempre a fuga, o sexo e o orgasmo.
E quando nem isso, não há nada.

De todas as pessoas que se deitaram nos lençóis,
é daquelas que nunca nem tocaram a minha pele
as que tenho mais necessidade.

As vezes aquilo entre quatro paredes é tão vulgar que me assusta.
Me faço forte, sedutora e quando não há mais como fugir,
quando estou mais vulnerável que me desespero.

Quando já existem mãos me tocando
um desconforto absurdo me invade.

"é uma merda transar com gente sem jeito..."

18 de abril de 2013

Bond Girl

There is some kind of shell warped in layer and layers of subjectivity around you. This always  gave you such a delicate glow, pretty much like the early lights of some cold autumn morning, yellow and warm.
But I see some simple things too, some kind of absurd funny laughs, this way you have to make me feel comfortable. Things always start this conceptual with me.
Because you always make sure I know how vulnerable you are, I hold myself. But that was always the impression I had. Always the things you made me feel.
Still very superficial? Yes. But I can't deny I have some glimpses of the things underneath... and I like what I see.