17 de janeiro de 2011

Isn't all about sex

Sardas constelares por en'costas brancas.
O contorno do rosto por toques na meia luz.
Cheiro de pele, respiração.
As mesmas malícias.
E mil palavras engasgadas.


I love the way I feel so calm,
although I can hardly wait.


Eternal Sunshine

Let's get that train, and come back when it have been forgotten
Let's walk in the rain at the beach with smiles on the face.
Let's search an empty summer house.. and find what's nice about each other.
I'll certainly hold your hand, and I may be shy.
You'll certainly make some joke about my face just to pretend you're ok.
We may kiss ... We may kisss.
We may say goodbye before the dawn... and hold this little pain inside
In secret, protected. We may love this in silence.. each other in silence.

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